• Charitable Remainder Trusts

    You may be concerned about the high cost of capital gains tax with the sale of an appreciated asset. Perhaps you recently sold property and are looking for a way to save on taxes this year and plan for retirement. A charitable remainder unitrust might offer the solutions you need!

  • Donor Advised Funds

    You fund a DAF and make charitable gift recommendations during your lifetime, and your children can carry on your legacy of giving.

  • Your Legacy

    You may be looking for a way to make a significant gift to help further our mission. A bequest is a gift made through your will or trust. It is one of the most popular and flexible ways that you can support our cause.

  • Your Gift Matters

    When you give to Fuller Seminary, you invest in the future of men and women who advance God's work in your local community and across the globe.

Your Gift Makes A Difference

Your current and legacy gifts provide for holistic education that integrates theology, psychology, and intercultural studies. Your support is an investment in the next generation of Christian leaders who will advance God's work in their local communities and around the globe.

Every gift truly matters because...

$2,000 to Charles E. Fuller Scholarships

provides one class for one
student each quarter.

Your scholarship support offers critical financial aid to Fuller students who will advance God's work through their future vocations.

$250 to the Fuller Annual Fund

ensures training of
Christian Leaders.

Your gift for unrestricted use supports teaching, research, financial aid, practical field work, formational programs, and funds new initiatives.

A Legacy Gift of Any Amount

helps sustain the
ongoing work of Fuller.

Your estate gift allows Fuller to continue the legacy it began nearly 75 years ago of preparing Christian leaders to impact the world.

Esther Tan

Current Student
PhD, Psychological Science

School of Psychology &
Marriage and Family Therapy

"I hope to use my learning on positive youth development and on thriving design my future research on 'third culture' kids and other marginalized groups. Scholarship [support] has allowed me to focus on my research and training activities, while not having to worry as much [about] finances."

Scott Cormode

Hugh De Pree Professor of Leadership Development

School of Mission and Theology

"Most seminaries are either so committed to the unchanging gospel that they cannot respond to the culture, or they are so committed to changing that they forget the gospel. But Fuller self-selects for students to do both. As a professor, I want to invest in the students who can creatively present the never-changing gospel to an ever-changing culture. That's why, if I could teach anywhere in the world, I'd be at Fuller."

Jeff Liou

PhD, Theology and Culture '17

National Director of Theological Formation
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

"As a PhD student preparing for a career in theological education, I had the privelege of being trained and mentored by several faculty who cared deeply about me, the students in their classes, and the church's witness to the Lord Jesus. I'm deeply appreciative of how they've walked with me personally, and I've learned so much by watching their educational approach."

Endowment Impact

Academic Year July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024

Donor-Advised Fund Impact in 2023

Fuller Donor-Advised Funds support Fuller Seminary and other charitable organizations all over the world. + Learn More

Support to Fuller Seminary and other charities from donor-advised funds | $1,395,000 +
Distinct charities supported by donor-advised funds | 175


To learn how you can make a current or legacy gift,
please contact us at 626.792.3232 or [email protected].