• Charitable Remainder Trusts

    You may be concerned about the high cost of capital gains tax with the sale of an appreciated asset. Perhaps you recently sold property and are looking for a way to save on taxes this year and plan for retirement. A charitable remainder unitrust might offer the solutions you need!

  • Donor Advised Funds

    You fund a DAF and make charitable gift recommendations during your lifetime, and your children can carry on your legacy of giving.

  • Your Legacy

    You may be looking for a way to make a significant gift to help further our mission. A bequest is a gift made through your will or trust. It is one of the most popular and flexible ways that you can support our cause.

  • Your Gift Matters

    When you give to Fuller Seminary, you invest in the future of men and women who advance God's work in your local community and across the globe.

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Dennis Denning, Master of Divinity '68, Doctor of Ministry '73, and Susan Denning, were longtime donors to Fuller. In addition, as members of the Fuller Legacy Circle, they ensured that their impact on Christ's kingdom would continue beyond their lifetimes. Although the Dennings have both passed away, their thoughtful planning and generosity continues to transform the lives of students at Fuller.

A few years before they passed, the Dennings shared why it was important to them to help Fuller students, and their reason for giving. Here is their story, in their own words.

Fuller gave me theology and practice I could use as I worked in youth ministry in a local church. Under Dr. Robert Munger's influence, I learned the importance of building community and developing lay leadership in the congregations I served.

In addition, Fuller gave my wife and me rich relationships with other students who have been friends, colleagues, prayer partners in ministry ... some for more than five decades.

As strange as it sounds today, I graduated from Fuller twice without scholarship help. Before we had family, I worked part time and my wife worked full time to make this possible. Now, with the exorbitant cost of seminary education, scholarship assistance is imperative.

My wife and I want to help students receive scholarships in perpetuity. We give to Fuller with joy.

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please contact us at 626.792.3232 or [email protected].